PERFECT COMPOST: A Masterclass with Peter Proctor
DVD + 83 page ebook
(ebook emailed separately)
Peter Proctor is New Zealand's father of biodynamic agriculture. Peter has been making compost for over 65 years. "Biodymanics makes organics work."
Compost is the fundamental element in all gardening & farming. This master class takes you through the compost making process from gathering and assembling your materials to creating the perfect compost heap.
Rudolf Steiner believed biodynamic compoast was the foundation of humanity and the vital link between the cosmos and the earth.
In Perfect Compost, Peter Proctor walks you through every step to building perfect compost.
The DVD is designed to go with an 83 page e-book called Biodynamics in the Home Garden, written by Peter Proctor. Biodynamics in the Home Garden contains lists and photos and is the point-by-point guide every home gardener needs.
2014 Running Time: 24 Minutes
Produced by: Cloud South Films