Free Streaming
Would you like to watch some Green Planet Films documentaries for free?
Use Green Planet Stream's free 7 day trial HERE
OR give our free 7 day trial on Amazon Channel a spin HERE
Have a library card? See if your public library offers any of these streaming services, at no cost to you:
Just use the barcode / PIN associated with your public library card. Please visit hoopla HERE and see if your public library subscribes to this streaming service created for libraries. Library patrons can watch for free.
Kanopy is an award-winning video streaming service providing access to more than 30,000 independent and documentary films ─ titles of unique social and cultural value from The Criterion Collection, Great Courses, Green Planet Films, and thousands of independent filmmakers. See Food 3.0 HERE

Overdrive is a platform libraries use for digital media
Check if your library uses Overdrive. You might even be able to request your librarian to purchase a film you are interested in.
What does it look like? Below is an example from the Salt Lake City Public Library, see “New Streaming Video.” Library patrons can watch for free.