The Climate Blueprint
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Community Screening License $150
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In December 2015, Paris will hold the COP 21, the most important climate change summit since Kyoto back in 1997. All the international community efforts are focused in that summit so that we will get a new global agreement against global warming that will down in history as the Paris Protocol. For more than 20 years, the united humanity has been fighting against the biggest challenge it has ever faced: the climate change.
"The Climate Blueprint" is the FIRST DOCUMENTARY to explore the history of this fight against our most challenging and powerful enemy. Under the framework of the United Nations, 194 countries meet once a year during two extremely hectic weeks at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
52 min
Closed Captioned
DIRECTORS: Fran X. Rodríguez & Ruth Chao
SCRIPT: Alphonse de la Puente & Ruth Chao
PRODUCED BY: Intuitive Productions & Somadrome
Some quotes from the documentary:
“The climate is not one issue among many: it is our survival that is at stake.” (Lauren Fabius. Minister of Foreign Affaris of France)
“We are calling to all the parties to take a integrated view of the world, as we live it, and as we’re going to die in it if we do not take action now.”
(Ravi Prabhu, PhD Deputy Director World Agroforestry Centre)
“What it’s staked here is humanity’s ability to continue to survive on this planet. That is why climate change is the biggest challenge that humanity’s ever faced.”
(Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director Greenpeace)
“What we have to keep in mind is that the difference between an ice age and today is over the order of 4ºC.”
(Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization)