Becoming a sponsor of Green Planet Films Presents provides an opportunity for your businesses to be aligned with important challenges facing our planet as well as our local communities. The looming crisis of climate change is, in fact, an existential one and we hope our film screenings will help enlighten shoreline residents about the complexity of these issues and the potential remedies that are being developed by experts in a variety of scientific disciplines. In turn, our hope is these technologies will help policy makers work toward solutions.
We believe presenting documentaries about fisheries, sharks, shipping and plastic pollution in partnership with the International Ocean Film Festival will resonate with our region due to our historical, cultural and economic maritime connections.
Underwriter Sponsor $5,000
- Business name is included in the overall banner of the event COMPANY NAME in Partnership with Green Planet Films Present for the event and inclusion of logo on all event materials below:

- Pop-up banner at the event with the same information hanging at the entrance to Milne Center
- Opportunity for a sponsor representative to speak at event and introduce the film(s) of their choice
- Opportunity to participate in panel discussion with director(s) and scientists following their film (s)
- 6 passes to the event and VIP reception (venue to be determined.)
- Company name and logo on the front cover of printed event program and display advertising at event and a slide that is projected prior to the film screening(s)
- Logo and name on invitations, emails and event materials
- Featured in newspaper and display advertising for event
- Logo featured on website for one year on event invitations and all marketing materials
- Included in all press releases and media coverage of the event as the underwriting sponsor
- Acknowledgement in social media messaging and news releases during the event
Gold Sponsor(s): $2,500
- Opportunity for sponsor to speak at event and introduce one film of their choice as its sponsor
- Opportunity to participate in panel discussion with director(s) and scientists following their film of their choice
- One full page ad in printed event souvenir program and display advertising at event
- Featured in newspaper and advertising for event
- Logo featured on website for six months that links to company website
- Logo and name on invitations, emails and event materials
- 4 passes to 2-day event and VIP reception (venue to be determined.)
Silver Sponsor(s): $1,000
- One half-page ad in printed event souvenir program display advertising at event
- Featured in newspaper advertising for event
- Logo featured on website for six months that links to company website
- Logo and name on invitations, emails and event materials
- 2 passes to 2-day event and VIP reception (venue to be determined.)
Bronze Sponsor(s): $500
- 1/4-page ad in printed event souvenir program display advertising at event
- Featured in newspaper advertising for event
- Logo featured on website for one year that links to company website
- Logo and name on invitations, emails and event materials
Christopher Donohue
Director of Marketing & Development