The Ethics of Fracking
EDUCATIONAL DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: For self-hosted school servers $400 (download above, includes caption file). Or license for 1 year for $125.
A look at the ethics of the natural gas extraction process known as “fracking”. The film covers political, spiritual, scientific, medical, and professional points of views of hydraulic fracturing. It also takes a look at the deceiving advertising the gas industry heavily relies on.
Participants in the film:
Bernard G. Prusak
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at King's College
Congressman Matt Cartwright
Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District
Brother David Andrews, C.S.C.
Senior Representative of Food & Water Watch
Rabbi Mordechai Liebling
Director of the Social Justice Organizing Program at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Marleen A. Troy, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, Wilkes University
Dr. Alfonso Rodriguez, MD
Nephrologists, President of the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition
Produced by Video Innovations
38 minutes