METANOIA: A New Vision of Nature
Metanoia reveals new concepts in Natural Intelligence. The current environmental crisis demands a radical paradigm shift within the collective human psyche. Current scientific orthodoxy regarding the meaning, significance, and purpose of the web of life is thereby challenged. Nature, in its entirety, is seen as a system of self-organizing intelligence, the essential principles of which can guide human culture. This new vision of Nature is accompanied by original upbeat music and eco-friendly footage throughout.
Employing a healthy blend of science, art and metaphysics, author Simon G. Powell presents a radical new perspective on the meaning and significance of life in this innovative and highly unorthodox documentary. Central to the film is the concept of natural intelligence. The underlying premise is that our current definitions of what life is, and what evolution represents, fall short of the mark and do Nature a major disservice. Rather than seeing the evolution of life as a dumb and mindless process, Powell proposes that evolution is a naturally smart process in which naturally smart systems of bio-logic are gradually woven into existence. Indeed, the film provides compelling evidence that Nature, as a whole, is best understood as a system of self-organising intelligence.
It becomes clear from this paradigm that Nature only sustains and preserves sensible behaviour. In light of this, the film proposes that the popular notion of ‘the survival of the fittest’ be superseded by ‘the survival of that which makes sense’ – an operating principle of Nature applicable not just to biological behaviour but also to cultural behaviour.
Accompanied by stunning graphics and original upbeat music throughout, Metanoia will thus guide anyone with an open mind to a new appreciation of what the burgeoning biomimicry movement refers to as ‘Nature’s genius’. So poised, our relationship with the rest of the biosphere may yet be healed. And not a moment too soon…
NOTE: The concept of natural intelligence outlined in Metanoia is not to be confused with intelligent design creationism. Indeed, the content of the DVD contains only 100% natural ingredients and is free of all and any supernatural additives. After all, Nature knows best.