Green Planet Films
DVD: Colleges/Universities, Gov't, Businesses
Heidi has done justice to a difficult conversation that the community needs to have.
This is an important story that engages on many levels. Gunns governance failed a number of basic governance tests and yet while ever the share price went up, greed powered the market. Even internal corporate governance standards for investment were put aside with disastrous consequences for ordinary investors and an innocent bystander. Congratulations on being so gutsy in telling your story.
Defendant 5 is a powerful and personal account of events which should concern us all.
Heidi Douglas is a powerful storyteller. She has captured the essence of the need for balanced and reasoned decision-making about ever-shrinking natural resources. Such decisions must effectively reflect the views of all stakeholders including the public and the environment. The documentary highlights the courage of a few in the community, who are prepared to stand up for the public interest even if it means great personal costs. The value of filmmaking to contribute to education and tolerance about difficult and enduring issues is underscored powerfully indeed.
Dramatic and disquieting at times, and whatever your view of woodchipping and forest protection, the strength of this documentary is how it draws you into the story, so that you can feel what it is was like to be Defendant 5. And while both the case and Gunns itself eventually collapsed, Defendant 5 does not gloat in triumph but rather highlights the cost to everyone of a company that did not listen to the community. It is an important story to tell, and raises many questions about Tasmanian politics, corporate governance, and whether such lawsuits have any place in a democracy.
Defendant 5
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EDUCATIONAL DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: For self-hosted school servers $250 (Purchase a download above, includes caption file).
When a young Australian filmmaker documents the destruction of Tasmania’s ancient forests she is swept up in a multi-million dollar legal battle that challenges the right to free speech.
DVD: Colleges/Universities, Gov't, Businesses
(includes Public Performance Rights) $99
DVD: K-12 Schools and Public Libraries (PPRs) $69
DVD: Public Libraries (Circulation Only) $26.95
DVD: Community Screenings (includes PPRs) $99