CURIOSITY QUEST GOES GREEN: Pests in the Environment
How do we keep pests out of our environment without using pesticides and herbicides? Join this Curiosity Quest Goes Green episode to learn how.

EPISODES INCLUDE: recycling all different types of materials, worm farming, rescuing wild animals, backyard composting, the effects of plastics in our oceans, Battery Recycling, Fishing for Energy, Green Surfboards, Green Your Home, Lunch Tray Recycling, Polystyrene, Clothing Recycling, and more!
30 minutes.
Target Age Group: 5-12
Producer/Host: Joel Greene
Producer: Melissa Duke
Assistant Producer: Tammy Greene
Lead Camera: Peter Park
Camera: Eli Semotiuk
Editor: Bradley Greenwell
Director of Photography: Lory Ryder
Sound Technician: Ivan Miller
Production Assistant: Lydia
Production Assistant: Keaton Cockrell